Thursday, 9 June 2011

Work It

Woah! Haven't posted anything for a looooong while. Very slack. OK I admit I'm a slackasauros.

The other day at work, I was standing at the door when I saw a man looking with great interest at the branded Lacoste L!ve bike parked outside which belongs to the shop. He asked me if I own it, I explained it was the company's bike. Then he introduced himself as a photographer called Horst and that he has released a few books. He's working on a new project about Londoners and their bikes and asked if I would be interested in being photographed with the bike. My immediate thought was 'Yikes! How do I get out of this?!' (I'm not very good at being put on the spot), so I was being rather awkward, "um, maybe, yeah... It's best if you email us with your proposal first and the appropriate person will get back to you." Blah blah blah.  Thinking it wouldn't get the ok cos first of all it's not MY bike. So anyway, it got the go-ahead. I am flattered this photographer would like to photograph me with the bike (and it isn't even mine!)... But... Me and posing just don't go! 


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