So there is something out there that could be called 'wood carpet' - wood effect vinyl! Yes vinyl! Totally forgot about this wondrous material that was big in the 80's. Didn't even cross my mind to lay vinyl on our floors. I mean c'mon, vinyl? Cheap yeah? Well no, not really. Actually quite pricy, but luckily we bought it when it was on special offer. So, here is what it looks like....
Realistic, no? This picture was taken before the bedroom was finished. I say finished, actually it's not. Still need a dressing table and other bedroom bits, but that can wait. Totally skint, I've been spending money on housewares and stuff. I'm more concerned about the best type of saucepan to buy than clothes. I can't believe it I'm more Elle Home than Elle Fashion these days.
Oh hello by the way! It's been a long long while and I don't know if I'm writing to myself or if anyone reads this? If so, hello!