Wednesday, 15 December 2010

The Weather Outside Is Frightful

Yay! I'm off work for a few days! Boo, the weather is dreary! That didn't stop us from going out for a walk (Craigos' most favourite past time). We went to Chapel Market in Angel and I had a look in the cute little boutiques selling furniture and vintage clothes.

If you can see the objects in the busy picture above, it's a shop selling interesting albeit expensive curiosites. It belongs to an eccentric old lady who also runs the shop. It was packed full of junk like stuffed eagles and ducks, loads of fur coats and hats and plates, jugs, books - absolutely everything!

From Angel we walked to the Barbican and stopped off at the Barbican Centre's Foodhall for a coffee and muffin.

There was a Christmas shop in the Barbican centre, I want this limited edition Eley Kishimoto beer glass (below). It's £12.00, affordable, but I want 4 or ideally 6. Yikes!


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