It's Saturday and it's my weekend off - Yesssss! During the week I never have time to make breakfast because I stay in bed for as long as possible leaving me just enough time for shower, make-up, coffee. My work is literally across the street from me but still I always manage to be 5 minutes late everyday. Okay I know I should set my alarm 5 minutes earlier but I'm set in my ways. So anyway I woke up this morning, stayed in bed for about an hour, eventually got up, put T4 on and made breakfast and freshly brewed cawffee. Mmmmn...
Above: My 222 special - 2 eggs 2 sausages 2 toast and (more than 2) BEANS! |
I was disappointed with my fried eggs cos' when I cracked them the yolk broke and one of the eggs was bubbly. Don't you just hate that?!