It's funny how you discover good music on the 'net when you're not even looking for it. Last night via a few links I discovered a splendid band from LA called Warpaint, for those in the know, this is old news. As I said in an earlier post, I'm out of the loop. So how did I make this discovery?
It began with the film 40 days and 40 nights. It was on TV and it caught my attention because I ♥ Josh Hartnett. It also stars Shannyn Sossamon. In the film they meet in a launderette. I wondered if Josh Hartnett dated her in real life? Out of curiosity and because I can, I google her name and check her wiki page which mentions she was in a band called Warpaint. Hmmn another Hollywood star - wannabe musician, I think to myself. She's not in the band anymore but I'm still intrigued. I click on the link and on another link which leads me to their myspace page, I watch their music videos and I'm rather impressed. I read more about them and it turns out they are signed to Rough Trade the company my Craigie works for. Nice! I pat myself on the back and congratulate myself for discovering Warpaint. The End.