Friday, 28 August 2009

Modern Age

As you know, I turned three (uh)oh yesterday and I've got a floating three oh balloon at home to remind me. Anyway yesterday I had a lottery ticket to cash in. Unfortunately it wasn't a life changing amount, let's say it was enough to buy nine packets of wasabi peas from M&S. So I hand the man my ticket and he gives me a suspicious kind of look and says "How old are you?" whenever this happened in the past purchasing cigs or alcohol (unfortunately I don't win lottery money often), I would get annoyed, but yesterday my thirty year old face couldn't help but crack a smile "Actually I'm thirty today, it's my birthday!" I said feeling jolly "Oh happy birthday, you really don't look it you could be eighteen" he says. He knocked TWELVE years of my age people! As he hands me the tenner he says "Spend it wisely." I end up buying cigs and somehow feel guilty about it, as if I have just turned eighteen and it's the first thing I buy. Not wise.


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