I was in Sainsbury's. If you must know what I was buying it was organic milk and popcorn. So anyway I went to the cigarette kiosk and was next in line to be served, I looked over to see which assistant I would be interacting with.. Either the Long Haired Geezer or the Petite Asian Lady, the latter was rather chatty I noticed. Her customer walked away. Petite Asian Lady it is. I headed towards her and could hear her chatting away. To who? I wondered. The previous customer had already departed their point of contact and now I was positioned in front of her "..Lovely evening..Yes.. Lovely..... So how are you then lovely?" she says. As she was already talking before I even got to the counter, I was unsure whether she talking to me, or to her colleague. I guessed she was talking to me, so I replied "I'm good thank you!".
This is how the rest of the conversation went (bear in mind she was talking quite fast and was a bit jittery)....
Petite Asian Lady: "So what are you doing this evening?"
Me: "Oh nothing much, just going home and relaxing"
PAL: "So what are you doing? Will you be with the honeys?"
Me: Slightly confused "Um.. Yeah"
PAL: "Aah I knew it, so you'll be hanging out with the honeys?"
Me: ?
PAL: "So how many? Children?"
Me: ? "I don't have children"
PAL: "Lovely evening isn't it?"
Me: ? "Yes it is"
PAL: "So do you have twins?"
Me: ???! "I don't have children"
(Her colleague sniggers)
PAL: "Oh yeah you said that didn't you?"
Me: Smile politely and nod
PAL: "So that's £1.59.. It's a lovely evening"
Me: I give her £1.60 "It is lovely"
I take the change and receipt, say thanks and scurry off like a frightened mouse.
In the distance I can hear her "..Nice to meet you. Have a lovely evening, it is a lovely evening..."
This is a totally true story folks!