Monday, 12 September 2011


Sooo, what's happened since my last blog entry? I, um, turned a year older. I wanted to getaway, so we went to the Cotswolds, a place which is which is famed for it's idyllic beauty. Ha, 'idyllic beauty', sounds like an excerpt from a city break brochure or something...

Me in deep thought - 'How old am I?'

The Cotswolds covers a LARGE area and I was unsure which town/village to visit, so I randomly picked a town called Stroud. Well I thought, anywhere in the Cotswolds must be pretty, right? Well.. not quite. 

The train journey there was promising, especially as we got closer to Stroud. Looking out the window approaching our destination, the scene was very picturesque, a contrast from the concrete ugliness of Swindon, just two stops before.

Unfortunately, when we left the station and entered the town of Stroud, it wasn't quite what I imagined. Although the small high street was surrounded by scenic greenery and hills, it was lined with shops such as Peacocks, 99p Store, Superdrugs, etc, etc. Not the small, independent, specialist and family run businesses that I expected. And no, the streets were not cobbled. Boo. 

We walked around for a bit and checked out the 'Farmers Market', which was a tad disappointing. My heart was sinking. In desperation, Craigos asked one of the locals where was good to visit, she was like "What here?! There's not much here, I would take the bus to Nailsworth if I were you. It's much nicer. It's about a 20 minute ride".

So off to Nailsworth we went! She was right, it was much more Cotswolds-esque. Nailsworth saved the day!

Above: First impressions of Stroud were promising.

On the way to Nailsworth.
Country car. I want one!
Imagine living in one of these houses - ooh!


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