Sunday, 28 March 2010

À la maison

This wonderful vintage style living room was on display at Heals, if only I could afford everything in it...

Below is a glimpse of our flat, also me just testing out my new flash which my bro gave. I don't really know what style it is. If we owned our own place I would go all out with the decor.

Classic Movie Posters postcards:

My 'fireplace':

André stickman character & Pocoloco the Owl, BFF's:

Barry the Boxman:

Old lady chic:

I ♥ this top from Uniqlo. It's a pretty peachy colour, though on the tag it claims to be light orange. I refuse to believe it's light orange. I dislike orange. My trousers cost £4.50 and are from a charity shop.


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