Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Status Update:


Wednesday, 9 December 2009

It's Chrrristmaaas!

This is my 2009 Christmas effort. Some might say lame, most would say tacky. The fake tree compliments the fake flowers, no? Shame you can't see the effective sparkly lights, I didn't know which setting to use on the camera - can you capture the sparkle on camera? Hopefully I'll learn by next christmas.

I ♥ Etsy

I am addicted, this US site has so much amazing vintage and is sooo cheap compared to the vintage shops over here. Even with shipping included! These are my latest finds..

These leather boots came first in the post...

..Then the pretty buttercream sweater with peter pan collar...

...Next was this cute lil' googly owl brooch..

..This leather belt I got for £5.00 (inc shipping)!!! Dirt cheap..

..The gold Maria star necklace I got made was a bargain too...

...Last to arrive - my musical notes sweater, ♪ ♫ ♪ ♬...


Copywrite © 2009 The content of this blog and all images are property of PAM, unless stated..... ♪ ♫ green eggs and ham, PAM i am ♫ ♬ ♪ ...